How's track going?...Uh you mean cross country?

Image result for xc startThis post is going to be targeted towards the people who are oblivious to the fact that if you attend school and compete as a runner, there are two separate sports for it. Many people don't even know that cross country exists which is different compared to track and field. Depending on if you are a distance runner or sprinter also determines whether you do cross country or not. Running typically takes place all year long as cross country training and competing takes place in the summer and fall and then track takes place in the winter and spring. 
Image result for cross country crowd

I have gotten this question asked many times in the time when its cross country season, and I have to correct them every time. Many people are unaware of cross country's existence because track and field is a much more popular and known sport as it is in the Olympics and contains a wide range of runners and athletes. 

Related imageUnlike track where there are many different events (and you run on an actual track), cross country has one race that all runners race in. The course is usually at a forest preserve, parks, school property, or golf courses. In middle school, the race is usually 2 miles; high school is usually 3 miles; and college women usually race a 6k and the men race an 8k.

The marathon is more of the replacement for that long distance running for high level competition/Olympics. But as for your fellow distance runners attending school, they are most likely in cross country during the fall and not track. 

Image result for cross country start gif

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!WARNING! - Songs may contain explicit content


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